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Regional Fuel and Lubricant Distributor

A regional fuel and lubricant distributor needed to expand their lubricant distribution capacity in response to business growth opportunities.  Somerset Engineering successfully permitted, designed and constructed a new lubricant storage and distribution facility, within the exact agreed upon budget.  The facility included not only 84,000 gallons of new storage, but also provided offloading/metering stations and metered small packaging pump stations.  The project was fully commissioned and placed into immediate operation.

Lubricant Distribution Center

This company needed to add storage to their burgeoning lubricant distribution center.  Historically product was received by transport and offloaded into totes and drums directly from the transport in the parking area.  The totes and drums were then relocated inside the storage facility and often repackaged.  Modifications to the building were not permitted – the challenge was to install maximum sized vertical tanks inside the building through the existing entrance.

Tank Farm-Horizontal Tanks

This project entailed permitting, design and construction of a new lubricating oil distribution center.  The project required storage for over 45 distinct products, with segregated pumping for 7 primary product families.  Somerset Engineering, working closely with the client, provided a design that reflected the specific needs for this challenging project. 

Tank Farm-Vertical Tanks

A specialty chemical blending company needed to replace and add to their existing storage capacity.  The project had one significant and extremely critical caveat:  the plant runs product 24 hours/day and the project execution could not interrupt operations.  The success of the project relied upon a very detailed design that required a 3-phase removal/replacement strategy.
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